BGonline.org Forums
Quick 3 ply RO
Posted By: David Rockwell In Response To: Quick 3 ply RO (neilkaz)
Date: Tuesday, 11 May 2010, at 2:52 a.m.
I've been a big fan of W (Wild 24-21, 6-4) here since it was best according to GNU and certainly the most fun. But, it isn't difficult to imagine that GNU's slotting bias gave us a result that isn't supportable. This may be what we will see in a longer rollout. I'll still play W at some scores, but may switch to S (Split 24-21, 13-11) at others.
It will be interesting to see if the same pattern prevails with 63S-32 where W is best and Z (Reverse Split 24-22, 13-10) essentially tied in second. Since S is also within .0015 of Z, that comparison will also be interesting.
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