BGonline.org Forums
Posted By: eXtreme Gammon In Response To: Linearity (Rich Munitz)
Date: Friday, 14 May 2010, at 12:48 a.m.
Rich The actual formula is result := 1/(1+exp(-performance*40-1.12))*2000+732 "
Perhaps Xavier can explain how he arrived at this formula.
This was determined empirically by analyzing the over 2000 matches played on GammonSite against the bots (player wit at least 400 experience).
I also took into account the actual Elo of XGIntermediate in GammonSite which is playing around 1780 Elo and my own results. These gave me more accurate measure for two points of the graph.
Note that the difference between the exponential formula and the linear one is only noticeable for error above 0.020 eq per decision (PR=10)
The Elo scale displayed is GammonSite, for reference NeilKaz is around 2120 elo
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