BGonline.org Forums
Memo #1
Posted By: Stick
Date: Monday, 4 June 2012, at 4:57 a.m.
I have some tidbits that I'd like to mention and we'll call them memos. I'm going to post them one at a time because I don't want to undertake another monster post. 'Memo' I imagine will often be synonymous with 'pet peeve'. =)
Memo #1
It's Stick. That's it, no last name. I don't know where along the way my last name was added to everything but it sounds stupid to me. It even looks weird when I see it in print. I'm going to start taking white out to tournaments and just 86ing my last name off the draw sheets. It's a nickname. You don't take a nickname and then add that person's last name to it randomly years later.
I'm going to start ignoring "Stick Rice" like I do now with people who use "Jacob" and shouldn't. Eg #1 from this past week. I'm sitting at the tennis courts in the middle of the day, around 3pm. Nobody is there, I'm waiting on the guy I'll be hitting with to get there. I'm lacing up my shoes and I hear "Jacob". I ignore it...I hear "Jacob" again but a little louder. Again, I ignore it. Nobody should be calling me "Jacob" out there so I honestly don't flinch even though retrospectively they have to be talking to me as there wasn't another soul in the place. Finally he walks up to me, a guy who is working there, and asks me something.
I apologized for not answering but told him I didn't go by that. He asked what I went by and when I told him you could see the cartoon light bulb go on over his head. "Oh!" he said. "It makes sense now. I kept hearing people say they were playing with Dennis Stick or Todd Stick and I thought it was someone's last name but now I realize they were saying X and Y." He had snatched my real name off the membership I signed up for which used my debit card and yada yada yada...real name.
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