try again ...
1. | Rollout1 | 13/8(3) 12/7 | eq: +0,992 |
| Player: Opponent: | 77,56% (G:7,45% B:0,12%) 22,44% (G:2,41% B:0,03%) | Conf.: ± 0,011 (+0,980...+1,003) - [9,3%] Duration: 2 minutes 22 seconds |
2. | Rollout1 | 13/8 12/7 6/1*(2) | eq: +0,991 (-0,001) |
| Player: Opponent: | 80,41% (G:7,19% B:0,09%) 19,59% (G:1,50% B:0,04%) | Conf.: ± 0,004 (+0,987...+0,994) - [9,5%] Duration: 2 minutes 01 second |
3. | Rollout1 | 13/3(2) | eq: +0,977 (-0,015) |
| Player: Opponent: | 80,43% (G:7,46% B:0,17%) 19,57% (G:1,51% B:0,04%) | Conf.: ± 0,003 (+0,973...+0,980) - [9,8%] Duration: 33,8 seconds |
4. | Rollout2 | 8/3(2) 6/1*(2) | eq: +0,949 (-0,042) |
| Player: Opponent: | 79,93% (G:8,76% B:0,12%) 20,07% (G:1,79% B:0,05%) | Conf.: ± 0,021 (+0,928...+0,971) - [31,8%] Duration: 29,6 seconds |
5. | Rollout3 | 7/2(2) 6/1*(2) | eq: +0,911 (-0,080) |
| Player: Opponent: | 77,58% (G:8,42% B:0,12%) 22,42% (G:1,95% B:0,06%) | Conf.: ± 0,033 (+0,878...+0,944) - [39,6%] Duration: 15,5 seconds |
1 Truncated at 4 moves using 3-ply. 10368 Games rolled. Rolled for both No double and Double Dice Seed: 42955884 First 2 moves and cube decisions: 3-ply Remaining moves: 3-ply Red, cube decisions: 3-ply
2 Truncated at 4 moves using 3-ply. 792 Games rolled. Rolled for both No double and Double Dice Seed: 42955884 First 2 moves and cube decisions: 3-ply Remaining moves: 3-ply Red, cube decisions: 3-ply
3 Truncated at 4 moves using 3-ply. 360 Games rolled. Rolled for both No double and Double Dice Seed: 42955884 First 2 moves and cube decisions: 3-ply Remaining moves: 3-ply Red, cube decisions: 3-ply