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Should I stay or should I go? **ROLLOUT**

Posted By: Chuck Bower
Date: Friday, 1 February 2013, at 6:50 p.m.

In Response To: Should I stay or should I go? **ROLLOUT** (Michael Depreli)

For reference it's a double if blue runs but not if he stays.

This unusual situation was coined "cube provocation play" by Kit several years ago. Unfortunately that term is misleading and possibly is why it never caught on (and I see it's not in Tom's Backgammon Galore glossary). Here are the specific requirements to meet this qualification:

1) After the correct move, the correct cube action is Double+Take.

2) At least one alternative move exists where, if made, the correct cube action is NoDouble+Take.

Where things get confusing is when a player makes the wrong play which provokes a (correct) double when the correct play would have been no double. Some have called this a "cube provocation play" and taken literally that is true but it doesn't satisfy #1 above. Also potentially confusing would be an incorrect play which is so bad that the correct cube response is NoDouble+Pass (i.e. too good) whereas the correct move would result in a proper Double+Take. This situation violates condition #2.

There is probably an adjective that could be added to the phrase to eliminate or at least reduce the potential confusion/misapplication. I've never figured out the right adjective (as vocabulary is one of my weak suits).

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