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Huge investment in select minutiae doesn't mean that simplification isn't beneficial for all

Posted By: Rod
Date: Tuesday, 1 October 2013, at 8:56 p.m.

In Response To: 31.g 31P-33B-42U-31 (Stick)

Right. And if someone posted the Nactation, you'd have understood it 6 years ago? That's a ridiculous comment. You wouldn't understand differential equations either (just a guess - not saying you couldn't, just that it's unlikely you would at this point in time) but that doesn't mean that they aren't extremely useful.

Just because you have so much invested in Nactation doesn't mean that simplification isn't useful.

Letters from 'a' to 'l' and 'A' to 'L' designate the points from 1-12 for each side. Capital letters are for player who wins first roll.

The numbers are the dice. If followed by a '.' It means move to. If no '.' It means from.

43L on this roll would mean 2 down. 43Lh would mean 4 down and 3 in.

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