BGonline.org Forums
Opening Replies: 62R-11 vs. 63R-11 vs. 64R-11
Posted By: David Rockwell In Response To: Opening Replies: 62R-11 vs. 63R-11 vs. 64R-11 (Igor)
Date: Friday, 20 June 2014, at 12:34 a.m.
There are a number of things happening with the 11 reply that are relevant to these choices. I find one of them more important than the others in understanding the move and in finding moves with the same theme later in the game. One of the primary purposes in playing 11N [Near 8-7(2), 6-5(2)] on the second roll is that it blocks immediate replies of 64, 65 and 66. Use this information to distinguish between 62R-11, 63R-11 and 64R-11 and partially explain the difference in responses (money).
At the Chicago Open, I saw 54S-11 three times - misplayed each time. Use the information above to find and explain the best move (money).
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