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Basic Question about the Cube Information Dialog Box in XG

Posted By: Timothy Chow
Date: Wednesday, 23 July 2014, at 9:56 p.m.

In Response To: Basic Question about the Cube Information Dialog Box in XG (Kevin Finch)

Others can probably give a more detailed explanation of XG's "double point" than I can, but let me address what I believe is your most fundamental misunderstanding. Here is a basic fact: What determines whether you have a double is what is going to happen on the very next exchange. What are your market losers? What are your market freezers (i.e., sequences that make you regret doubling)? If the market losers outweigh your market freezers then you double. Otherwise you don't. It does not have anything to do with the percentage of time you will eventually win the game, except insofar as your winning chances affect your market losers and freezers.

I made a similar point recently in the context of being too good to double.

A statically computed number such as a "doubling point" only applies when it's the last roll of the game, or "effectively" the last roll of the game, when there is no distinction between what happens during the very next exchange and what the ultimate outcome of the game will be.

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