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Short rollouts of variants (partial spoilers)

Posted By: Timothy Chow
Date: Monday, 8 September 2014, at 5:04 p.m.

In Response To: Short rollouts of variants (partial spoilers) (Ian Dunstan)

Yes. Unless someone can come up with a unified explanation of all the variants, I'm inclined to think that there's some subtle tactical thing going on that is sensitive to the exact placement of all the checkers. So I'm not sure what (if any) adjustment to my strategic understanding of the position is needed.

I don't think that this sort of decision arises that often, by the way, where by "this sort of decision" I mean a mutual holding game with an extra point in the middle of the opponent's outfield and a decision to volunteer more shots than necessary. I have a folder full of (non-anchor-breaking) voluntary direct shots in mutual holding games but most of them have one of the following features: (1) blot in opponent's board; (2) putting a blot in front of the opponent's anchor; (3) leaving a blot on the midpoint; (4) running a third (or fourth) checker from the opponent's home board. None of those features appears here. David Rockwell's suggestion to view this as a priming game rather than a mutual holding game is intriguing but I'm not convinced.

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