BGonline.org Forums
XG 3 Ply Error #1 - All Plies
Posted By: Timothy Chow In Response To: XG 3 Ply Error #1 - All Plies (Keene)
Date: Monday, 15 December 2014, at 11:55 p.m.
Keene wrote:
it doesnt matter where the pips exist, just that they do. This is how the bots treat races.
What? You can't really mean what you wrote here can you? You surely know about wastage and effective pip count?
It also wants to be able to keep its 6s and 5s here available for that purpose (to prevent a forced break) for as long as white is forced to stay back in order to continue the hold.
Saving 6's and 5's so that you don't have to break the midpoint makes some sense, but it wouldn't explain why 6/1 is a blunder (apparently, although Stick didn't post a rollout for it) while 7/2 is not. I'm also deeply skeptical that saving 6's is so important that it outweighs keeping a strong board in case of a hit as well as wasting racing vig by burying checkers.
What I'm sure is actually going on here is that the bot is playing like a donkey. As I've explained before, I've watched the bot contradict itself frequently on different plies in this sort of position. My guess is that if you do an XGR+/XGR+/Gigantic rollout, the results will look a little more sensible. As we see from this example, switching to XGR+ won't necessarily get rid of all the donkeylicious plays, but it should get rid of a lot of them.
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