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Procedural question for Jason (and team members)

Posted By: Tom Keith
Date: Tuesday, 10 March 2015, at 1:33 p.m.

In Response To: Procedural question for Jason (and team members) (neilkaz)

NO for allowing pencil and paper calc's in face to face tourneys. They are supposed to be a competition with game of skill.

I wonder if that's true -- that allowing pencil and paper reduces the amount of skill. Players still have the same amount of thinking time; they just get to use it differently.

Perhaps question comes down to: What type of thinking do players want engage in when they play live backgammon. Some people are very good at mental calculation and those players may prefer a no-pencil-and-paper rule. But that may be only a minority.

There was an interesting phenomenon when online backgammon became popular in the early 1990s. You had the option of whether or not to display an automatic pip count (for both players). Very quickly almost all players opted for the pip count. It seems that counting pips was not the type of mental challenge players were looking for -- that they preferred to concentrate on other aspects of the game.

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