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How best to store reference positions?
Posted By: Frank Berger In Response To: How best to store reference positions? (Matt Ryder)
Date: Monday, 23 November 2009, at 10:56 p.m.
I've tried to use the position entry functionality of the latest version of BGBlitz and am again stuck.
Frank, can you assist? Here's what I did:
I hope I can1. Chose New Position Database from the 'Position - Database' menu
2. Entered the overall details of my new set of positions.
3. Chose Editing... --> Append DB-Position from the 'Position - Database' menu.
4. Chose 'empty board' as the Starting Position.
5. Set up the checkers in the position I wanted.
That's all as it is intended.....
Now what? I'm stuck. I can't add dice, or comments or anything. None of the onscreen options appear to help.
I guess you see the dialogbox where you can enter title etc? The dice are a drop down selection in the right middle side. The comment belongs in the "solution". What is a little non obvious: you can setup two boards: the original position and the best move. You can toggle between them with the "Board Q" (for question) and "Board A" (you guessed it.. the answer)
The doc file suggests that '"Reinit"opens the initializing dialogue box again". Where do I find this Reinit option?
The documentation is terribly out of date, sorry. The reinit is for the board. If you selected somehow the wrong option you can reinit the board again from start/empty or an pos file.
I hope that helps.
This hole position database stuff is pretty ancient and the user interface is mid 90 style. As I mentioned: I will overhaul this (should look more like the match-DB) but planned it for a later release. It wouldn't be that hard to persuade me to renew this earlier. I just need 1 or 2 people that would be willing to discuss and try out some thnings...
ciao Frank
P.S: send as an email too, to make sure it reaches you
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