BGonline.org Forums
Opinions of Chicago Open Format & Entrance Fee
Posted By: Bill Riles In Response To: Opinions of Chicago Open Format & Entrance Fee (Phil Simborg)
Date: Thursday, 21 January 2010, at 8:46 p.m.
"There is no handicap system in Backgammon, yet players who play at 8.0 have to put up the same money as the 3.0 WC players...the payouts, over time, are tremendously weighted toward the top players. Let's at least give the lower-skilled players a reasonable chance to break even."
I think I've been doing better about holding my tongue but I just can't let this one pass.
It must be something in the water in Chicago that promotes income redistribution and devalues personal responsibility.
I don't begrudge the better players for winning more ABT points and for making more money in events because in all likelihood, with almost every individual, the best players have put in more study, more effort, more work, more time, and more money into their games than others who have not made, or have not been willing or able to make, those same efforts to develop and/or refine their games to the same degree. Most of the best players have played for years and paid their dues coming up through the ranks of play.
Further, if we paid more places or made points easier to obtain or, God forbid, instituted a 'handicap' system of progressive fees and/or spotted points to balance equities, does anyone really think we would've enhanced the sport? Upon winning or cashing, would the average player have the same sense of fulfillment and achievement that he/she would otherwise experience? Do we add new players or do we lose our stalwarts?
Let's maintain the integrity of the game and leave the concepts of political correctness, affirmative action, and the psychology of all winners/no losers -- if we have to have them at all -- in other realms.
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