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Posted By: GeorgeMJ23
Date: Sunday, 4 September 2011, at 8:54 p.m.

In Response To: OMFG (Colin Owen)

Well, some players, being less able to visualise positions than others (and think around the games problems in general) need to be given some slack, and - if they don't get it - are apparently less likely to participate in future, and therefore provide more able players with the juicy equity that would have come with it.

I still find this UNBELIEVABLE! I have played with countless people backgammon in Greece and not even one of them wanted to play the moves on board to see the consequences etc.... All were done mentally. So i find it extremely odd that in a world championship there are players that need this kind of "assistance".

And moreover even more importantly millions of people that play Chess don't even need for that and do all this mentally. Not 2-3 plies ahead but much more. Not to speak of course about grandmasters or top grandmasters.

So i find this whole idea of messing around with the board a big mistake. But who am i? :-) :-)

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