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62S-51H-54@-55 — Nactation Challenge
Posted By: Taper_Mike In Response To: 62S-51H-54@-55 — Nactation Challenge (Casper van der Tak)
Date: Wednesday, 2 November 2011, at 1:07 a.m.
Since we're not getting any nibbles here, I thought I would supply some hints.
White is Player 2
score: 0
pip: 157Unlimited Game
Jacoby Beaverpip: 161
score: 0
Blue is Player 1XGID=-----bEAC---dDa--c-e----B-:0:0:1:55:0:0:3:0:10 62S-51H-54@-55 For doubles, Nactation now begins with counting how many moves for a given play are made in each board area. With 13/8 8/3(2) 7/2, for instance, 13/8 moves one checker down, 8/3(2) jumps the bar with two checkers, and 7/2 jumps over the bar with a third. In terms of ratios, Far:Down:Jump:Inside = 0:1:3:0.
The second step is to look up the ratio in the table that gives the Nactation of Doublets. The ratio 0:1:3:0 belongs to the underlined O (Outer) family. This play moves one checker down into the outer board, and then moves three checkers out of the outer board. The regular, non-underlined O (Outer) family is reserved for the balanced O (Outer) plays that move in the ratio 0:2:2:0.
Once you know the correct family, the final step is to use the Hit/Most/Six Rule to decide what rank a given play has within the family. In this case, there are two ways to jump over the bar with 3 checkers: 8/3(3) and 8/3(2) 7/2. Since there are no hits with either one, we should check which makes or retains the most points. Alas, it's a tie! Both candidates make the 3pt, while abandoning the 8pt. The 6pt convention will be the tie breaker. The play that leaves a blot or spare closest to the 6pt is awarded the capital letter. In this example, 13/8 8/3(2) 7/2 is awarded the lower case letter, because the spare it leaves on the 2pt is farther from the 6pt than the spare placed on the 3pt by 13/8 8/3(3).
Hence, o (Outer) = 13/8 8/3(2) 7/2, and O (Outer) = 13/8 8/3(3).
So, now I want to offer a new reward for those who will try the other ones. Paco de Lucia, John McGlaughlin and Al Di Meola just about set the house on fire with their virtuosity in this performance of Al's flamenco composition Mediterranean Sundance.
Nactation of Doublets
Letter Far Down Jump Inside B 2 2 0 0 S 3 1 0 0 Z 1 3 0 0 E 2 0 0 2 E 3 0 0 1 E 1 0 0 3 A 0 0 2 2 A 0 0 3 1 A 0 0 1 3 C 2 0 2 0 C 3 0 1 0 C 1 0 3 0 O 0 2 2 0 O 0 3 1 0 O 0 1 3 0 N 0 2 0 2 N 0 3 0 1 N 0 1 0 3
Letter Far Down Jump Inside U or R 4 0 0 0 D 0 4 0 0 D 0 2 1 1 J 0 0 4 0 J 0 1 2 1 I 0 0 0 4 I 0 1 1 2 Y 2 0 1 1 Y 2 1 0 1 Y 2 1 1 0 M 1 1 0 2 M 1 1 2 0 M 1 1 1 1 G 1 2 1 0 G 1 2 0 1 Q 1 0 1 2 Q 1 0 2 1
- Far — The entire move is made on the far side of the board, including entering a checker from the bar. The checker can land anywhere on the far side, from the midpoint on up.
- Down — A move made to or within the outer board. The checker must land in the outer board on the near side, but can be moved from any point in either outer board.
- Jump — Jumping over the bar means moving a checker from a point in the outer board, and landing on a point in the inner board.
- Inside — A checker is moved entirely within the inner board, including checkers that are borne off.
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