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Great exposure for backgammon
Posted By: capecodbob63 In Response To: Great exposure for backgammon (Phil Simborg)
Date: Tuesday, 14 May 2013, at 9:15 p.m.
Whenever I see an article written by Phil Simborg,I always take the time to read an most often learn something new to me about backgammon.Today I have a brief story for the older crowd to recall,if your wondering if your older,you are.Phil mentions the prestigious New Yorker Magazine,which E.J.Kahn a fine writer an avid backgammon player,often wrote for.It was August of 1979 in Provincetown Massachusetts,when there came together at a local backgammon tournament supporting the Provincetown Arts Association.The chance meeting that within a year or so,would produce the Sixty Minutes segment on Backgammon!Paul Magriel had come to the end of the road as this beautiful seaside artists colony is known.For this was his childhood summer home,an he was in town to visit his mother.While he an I played our match,there gathered a crowd,to watch the best player in the world.After our match Paul an I were talking,when two gentlemen approached to comment on the match.Turns out they had both had summer homes in Provincetown,and loved to play backgammon.One was my next opponent,E.J.Kahn an the other was Don Hewitt,the executive producer of Sixty Minutes.I don't recall just when it aired,nor did Paul in 05' when we spoke at the Las Vegas Backgammon Club one Tuesday night.There was Paul,Lewis DeYoung,an Tony Goble on the segment,it was a wonderful shot in the arm for backgammon,during it's Golden Years...
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