BGonline.org Forums
OT - Hockey (strategy) - end of Game 6
Posted By: Stick
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2013, at 6:15 p.m.
I would call myself a near moderate hockey fan. I go to games every now and again, could explain icing to people who didn't know what it was, but don't really have a team nor did I grow up on hockey. Columbus got a team in 2000 and since then it seems to have been slowly snowballing into something I can enjoy watching. I've only ice skated a few times and the only hockey I have ever played has been on blades.
Still this makes me think of watching football when I was growing up. While I was more of a fan and knew more about the players/sport I still didn't play football yet would constantly question the way things were done on the field. So when game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals came along and the Bruins were carrying a 2-1 lead with roughly 2:15 left on the clock in the final period and they had controlled puck possession I questioned at the time how it was unfolding. We had a quick discussion about it and then before you knew it the discussion was over and shortly after the game as the Blackhawks scored not once, but as most of you know, twice in the remaining 2 minutes to clinch the Cup.
Unfortunately I can find no video to show the exact situation so I will try to explain it as best I can with words. Again, 2:15 is left on the clock in the third and final period. Boston is up 2-1. Boston is in control of the puck to the point that they are on offense (everyone in the offensive zone), unpressed, and able to set up a play. That's basically what happened in the game, they made a couple of passes, maybe took a shot, and yada yada yada.
What I want to ask is at that point in the game would it not have been a better strategy to pull back and try to kill time? How much time can be killed by a full withdrawal and then obvious repush up the ice since you have control compared to the risk of losing the puck coupled with obviously not having the slim chance to score at the other end? Is it worth it?
Not sure if I'm being clear on the situation or including all the details needed. If you want to know anything else just ask.
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