If White had a four-point board, as shown below, getting hit would have more severe consequences and leaving a shot would be wrong. Instead, Blue should focus on blocking White's immediate 6s. Magriel's Rule is superseded here by race considerations.
| | White is Player 2
score: 2 pip: 93 | 7 point match | pip: 98 score: 2
Blue is Player 1 | | XGID=--ABcBBBBBB----------cccc-:1:-1:1:31:2:2:0:7:10 | Blue to play 31 |
1. | Rollout1 | 5/1 | eq: +0.538 | | Player: Opponent: | 76.64% (G:8.37% B:0.28%) 23.36% (G:1.32% B:0.01%) | Conf.: ± 0.006 (+0.532...+0.544) - [100.0%] Duration: 1 minute 03 seconds |
| 2. | Rollout1 | 8/7 8/5 | eq: +0.516 (-0.022) | | Player: Opponent: | 76.48% (G:7.01% B:0.16%) 23.52% (G:0.66% B:0.00%) | Conf.: ± 0.005 (+0.511...+0.521) - [0.0%] Duration: 47.0 seconds |
| 3. | Rollout1 | 8/5 3/2 | eq: +0.514 (-0.024) | | Player: Opponent: | 75.55% (G:8.87% B:0.24%) 24.45% (G:1.56% B:0.00%) | Conf.: ± 0.005 (+0.508...+0.519) - [0.0%] Duration: 1 minute 01 second |
| 4. | Rollout1 | 5/2 3/2 | eq: +0.503 (-0.035) | | Player: Opponent: | 75.85% (G:7.51% B:0.18%) 24.15% (G:1.30% B:0.03%) | Conf.: ± 0.006 (+0.497...+0.509) - [0.0%] Duration: 59.0 seconds |
| 5. | Rollout1 | 9/8 9/6 | eq: +0.481 (-0.057) | | Player: Opponent: | 75.96% (G:5.43% B:0.11%) 24.04% (G:0.48% B:0.00%) | Conf.: ± 0.004 (+0.477...+0.486) - [0.0%] Duration: 45.7 seconds |
| 6. | Rollout1 | 7/3 | eq: +0.479 (-0.059) | | Player: Opponent: | 74.54% (G:8.07% B:0.23%) 25.46% (G:1.65% B:0.01%) | Conf.: ± 0.006 (+0.474...+0.485) - [0.0%] Duration: 58.7 seconds |
| | 1 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
| eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10, MET: Kazaross XG2
This diagram shows the position after Blue makes the best play, 8/5 3/2, in the original position (shown at the very top of this post). Blue owns no two points that are six pips apart. I believe this play is also best at DMP and it wins the most gammons for Blue.
| | White is Player 2
score: 2 pip: 83 | 7 point match | pip: 94 score: 2
Blue is Player 1 | | XGID=--BAcCBBABB-----------cbg-:1:-1:-1:00:2:2:0:7:10 | White on roll, cube action? | eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10
The diagram below shows only each player's checkers in his or her own home board. XG told me the EPCs were 37.6 and 43.6, implying that Blue's wastage is 7.6 and White's is 23.6. This info gives me a crude estimate of the total EPCs of the original position: Blue 98 + 7.6 = 105.6 and White 83 + 23.6 = 106.6. In other words, the race is very close and Blue should therefore take eXtreme measures (i.e., volunteering a shot) to reduce White's racing equity.
| | White is Player 2
score: 2 pip: 20 | 7 point match | pip: 30 score: 2
Blue is Player 1 | | XGID=--AB-BB---------------cbg-:0:0:1:00:2:2:0:7:10 | Blue on roll, cube action? | eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10