BGonline.org Forums
Nordic Open 2015 - world team--missing
Posted By: Stick In Response To: Nordic Open 2015 - world team--missing (Keene)
Date: Thursday, 12 March 2015, at 2:46 a.m.
In your original post you said "but my expectation is that Sticky McStickerson is just as fishy as your average open player". I originally assumed this was just washy talk but now I'm wondering if you meant to say am I playing as well as the average player on the World Team? I'm only asking you to clarify because I didn't mean to insult anyone on the World Team. When I do that I will be a lot more straightforward about it.
I would be happy to take a PR bet with over half of the World Team and let's leave it at that. Getting into these conversations I've learned over the years never end well. Someone ends up getting offended and it goes nowhere. If you want to email me about it and have a private convo that's fine. Neither of us are going to get their balls sore over it.
"is it in the 2.x range consistently"
Depending what you're asking here, whether I average 2.X or whether I often play 2.X, they mean different things esp. when applying them to the World Team. I wonder which you meant and if you're not overestimating some players PRs on the World Team. For a fair few of them there's a good amount of matches/data to pull from. Others you'll have to take more of an educated guess.
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