BGonline.org Forums
Definition of 'Gammonish'?
Posted By: Casper Van der Tak In Response To: Definition of 'Gammonish'? (sebalotek)
Date: Thursday, 25 February 2016, at 7:56 a.m.
3 away 1 away is a free take: If you drop, you have 50% (a bit more because of the free drop you get), if you take and lose a single, you still have 50%. So you are effectively only risking your gammon losses, where you go to zero. Think only of dropping at this score if your chances of winning are close to your chances of losing a gammon.
This can all be made more precise, but this should work OTB in guiding you when to start thinking.
BTW, I usually think of gammonish as relative to the gammon rate in the opening position.
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