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Incident reports--sorry, trees need to die

Posted By: Barry Silliman
Date: Saturday, 11 June 2016, at 9:38 p.m.

In Response To: Incident reports--sorry, trees need to die (Phil Simborg)

Ok Phil, I don't mind a few more pages. What I would like to see though is Legal Moves referring to misplayed checker plays only, and other irregularities involving the clock and the cube and shaking and rolling handled the same way whether or not Legal Moves are in effect.

And for these other situations (such as the incident in Chicago) I would like to see rules that actually penalize the player who committed the error and not force the other player to face permanent banishment from the game, and furthermore, not require a director to try to discern the intents and motives of individuals but simply act on the facts at hand.

I don't at all fault Rory for his decision at the time, and I'm also confident that in today's climate, had he ruled for Michel that he would have been overturned by an appeals committee anyway, but the more I think about this situation, the more I am convinced that the loss of the match on time should stand- regardless of whether or not "Legal Moves" is in effect.

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