BGonline.org Forums
XGR+ evals
Posted By: Nack Ballard In Response To: 52D-33 at 6a9a (Petter Bengtsson)
Date: Tuesday, 8 February 2011, at 11:38 p.m.
Stick/Paul, Dmitriy and Paul recently posted rollout results for three positions:
61P-31P-33 [C E19 U36 A91] <5, and [C E11 U28 B90 A96?] <20*2 .6
65R-61P-31P-33 [U E13 C49 B58] 5*2
61P-55P-33 [A E19] <5What are the XGR+ (money) evals for those three positions (all plays)? Also, while you're at it, for a fourth position: 65R-61P-55P-33 (not yet rolled out).
I'm asking because I don't have XG yet and I'm curious to see if XGR+ seems to consistently overestimate 33E (compared to the other plays) like the other bots do.
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