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43Z-52H-52Z-42, Nactation quiz

Posted By: Taper_Mike
Date: Monday, 14 November 2011, at 10:14 a.m.

In Response To: 43Z-52H-52Z-42, Nactation quiz (Nack Ballard)

Below are my solutions to the quiz. Three weeks ago, I'd have been baffled!


2O ' ' ' '5X '4X1X ' '4O

1X1X '1O '4O '4O ' ' '3X


NactationTraditional NotationNote
A (Attack) 8/4, 6/4 By the Hit Convention: most points in home board overrides hitting.
a (Attack) 8/2* After that, hitting still counts. It may seems that there are two ways to hit, 8/4 4/2* and 8/6 6/2*, but they are the same play.
C (Cross) 24/22, 8/4 By the Most Points Convention
c (Cross) 24/20, 8/6 This is the only other member of the C (Cross) family.
E (Each) 24/20, 6/4 By the Hit Convention: most points in home board overrides hitting.
e (Each) 24/20, 4/2* After that, hitting still counts. There are two ways to hit: 24/20 4/2* and 24/22 6/2*. Both leave an inside blot on the 2pt. The tie is resolved by checking the destination of the blot in the rear. Closer to the 6pt is better.
I (Inside) 6/4, 6/2* By the Hit Convention: owning the most points requires making either the 4pt or the 2pt (but the Hit Convention does not prefer one over the other). After making a point, if hitting is still an option, it is favored. There are two plays that do both: 6/4 6/2* and 6/2* 4/2. By the owned points sub-convention of the 6pt Convention, the former gets the capital letter.
i (Inside) 6/2*, 4/2 And the latter gets a lower case letter.
N (Near) 13/9, 6/4 By the Hit Convention: most points in home board overrides hitting.
n (Near) 13/11, 6/2* After that, hitting still counts. There are two ways to hit: 13/11 6/2* and 13/9 4/2*. Both leave an inside blot on the 2pt. The tie is resolved by checking the destination of the blot in the outer board. Farther away from the 6pt is better.
O (Outer) 8/4, 13/11 By the Most Points Convention
o (Outer) 8/6, 13/9 This is the only other member of the O (Outer) family.

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