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Nactation questions — Correction
Posted By: Taper_Mike In Response To: Nactation questions (Taper_Mike)
Date: Saturday, 26 November 2011, at 8:07 a.m.
This post corrects an error in the preceding post. The first two positions in that post were nactated correctly, and have not been repeated here. In the third position, however, there should have been four plays in the Nactation table: In the third-move position 64R-31P-32 below, the expanded definiton of D (Down), together with the Most-Points Convention of Hit/Most/Six, works to guarantee that the best backgammon play is awarded the capital letter.
64R-31P-32 163
Blue to play 32 157 Position ID: sGfwATDgc/AFIA Match ID: cAkNAAAAAAAA
NotationFar Down Jump Inside Hits on
These Points
(more is better)
(higher is better)Owned Points Not Held
by All Members in Family
(more is better)
(closer to 6pt is better)Blot and Spare
(closer to 6pt is better)
(outer board: farther is better)Nactation 14/11, 13/11 14/11
13/1111pt* D 13/11, 13/10 13/11
13/1010pt* 11pt d 14/9 14/11
11/99pt* D 13/8 13/11
11/88pt* d *This is the deciding criterion.
Once you recognize that moving 14/11 or 14/9 is playing down, the rest of the Nactation is straightforward.
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