BGonline.org Forums
I'll be blunt...
Posted By: Tom Keith In Response To: I'll be blunt... (TarHeelFan)
Date: Monday, 20 April 2015, at 5:59 p.m.
If the rules require me to ask the Director if I can go pee, I will not attend that tournament. If the rules require me, as a Director, to use my discretion on whether or not you should be allowed to go pee, I will no longer be a Director.
I hope not! Because that's what the rules say now.
Rule 2.2 says: "Each player may take one 5 minute recess (between games) in a match not exceeding 13 points in length. The Director may permit additional recess time in longer or especially important matches."
And Rule 1.1 ["No set of rules should deprive the Director of his freedom of judgment or prevent him from finding the solution dictated by fairness and compatible with the circumstances of a particular case."] presumably gives Director discretion to allow extra breaks.
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