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Good Practice Provisions for Blind or Visually Impaired Players

Posted By: Rick Janowski
Date: Thursday, 3 September 2015, at 9:30 p.m.

See below draft proposed provisions for blind of visually impaired player playing at tournaments. I would be very interested and grateful to see suggestions for improvement or other constructive criticism. In the clauses below "the player" is the blind player and "the opponent" is the blind player's opponent.

Draft Proposed Generic Tournament Good Practice Provisions for Blind or Visually Impaired Players

TABLE/BOARD POSITION: Ideally a table should be reserved for the player so that moving from table to table is unnecessary (ideally close to a door). The player has choice of which side of the board he sits and board direction.

CHECKERS: Optional use of checkers with different texture or reduced thickness.

CLOCK: Increase normal delay time on both clocks by 3 secs for both players. Between games, the Opponent should state the time on the clock for both players and the scores reached. If during a game the player wishes to know clock times, the opponent should provide this information at the start of the player's roll

START OF ROLL: The Opponent after ending his roll and hitting the clock, picks up the dice and places them in the players cup or at some agreed place on the table.

PLAYER'S ROLL: If the roll is legal the Opponent should state the numbers on the dice. If the dice are cocked the opponent should say "cocked dice" and pick up the dice returning them to the player. If one or both dice land off the board or table, the opponent should pause the clock and then return the dice to the player, then un-pausing the clock.

OPPONENT'S ROLL: The opponent should state the dice rolled or "cocked dice" if appropriate. The Opponent should state the move made within their own clock-time. When moving the checkers the player should take great pains to guard against illegal plays by avoiding shuffling the checkers backwards and forwards, so that at the end of the move the player is able to state clearly the move made. Doublets are a particular risk. If at any time during the game it is discovered by either player that an illegal move was made, the player has the right to require the game to be restarted from the point just before the illegal move was made.

SECURITY: To further protect the player from illegal moves or illegal scoring, the match should be recorded by video or webcam. The player also has the right to request a monitor/observer but the decision will be at the Tournament Director's discretion.

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