BGonline.org Forums
Slot, Slot, Slot
Posted By: Stick In Response To: Slot, Slot, Slot (Christian Munk-Christensen)
Date: Friday, 16 October 2009, at 8:18 p.m.
I'm only picking on Christian cause he was the first one brave enough to answer but to me it shows why knowing the openings is essential. I still constantly hear that the opening phase of the game is basically a wash and nobody thinks they'll be making any errors they need worry about, thus they don't 'waste' the time studying it. Christian in his responses made errors of at least .018, .028, .012, and .036 according to GNU rollouts. (I say at least because he didn't say what his actual plays would be for 51S-21 or 62$-52, only that he would or wouldn't slot leaving his play unclear when there are other real candidates)
Even still, these errors in the opening, which are compounded because they're positions that are likely to be repeated more than any others because it's the beginning of the game before it has diverged, show a lack of general understanding about certain types of positions. As always, I recommend figuring out why one play is better than another and not just memorizing them ... but ... memorizing them is better than nothing.
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