BGonline.org Forums
Kibitzing - Yes or No?
Posted By: Max Urban
Date: Wednesday, 2 December 2009, at 9:20 a.m.
I came across an earlier post by Rich M. and Gregg C.
For fear of it disappearing into the murky forum archives I thought the topic warrants a separate thread.
To summarise their discussion: Gregg C believes that there should be no exceptions to the rule of kibitzing and that onlookers should alert the tournament director if they have witnessed certain oversights/mistakes/illegal plays etc. Rich M, on the other hand, mentions a few examples where he believes one should be allowed to draw players' attentions to mistakes. He also mentions that it is not always feasible to call the TD, as s/he may be too busy doing other things.
Click on this link for more detail around their discussion:
So what's the consensus? Is this another area that needs a rule change? When would kibitzing be permissible? When not? Should TDs just adopt their own policy on this for their tournaments, especially as heated debates and aggressive behaviour are not an uncommon by-product of kibitzing?
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