BGonline.org Forums
Clock rule 5.1.
Posted By: Tom Keith In Response To: XG bug and rules quesitions (Bob Koca)
Date: Tuesday, 29 January 2013, at 8:24 p.m.
5.1 CONCEDING, ENDING A GAME. Prior to rolling the dice a player may concede a single game, gammon or backgammon by stopping both clocks and stating the offer. To accept the offer the opponent says, "Accept," records the score, and resets the board. To reject the offer the opponent says, "Reject," and, if necessary, summons the Director to adjudicate. The Director will require the opponent to accept the offer when no outcome more favorable for him can occur; otherwise, the Director deems the offer invalid and restarts the player’s clock. After bearing off his last checker, a player stops both clocks and resets the board.
I don't like this rule at all!
(1) Why is the clock stopped while opponent decides what to do? Resigning is part of the game -- the opponent's clock should be running. (Stop the clock only when the resignation is accepted.)
(2) It should be up to a player to decide whether or not to accept a resignation. Only as a matter of etiquette, should you feel any compulsion to accept -- and then only if you are 100% sure. If the outcome of the game is not clear, play on; don't call the Director.
(3) Why can't you resign after rolling the dice? I would think that is the most natural time to resign. For example, it's only after you see the roll that it becomes clear whether you've lost a gammon or not.
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