BGonline.org Forums
A serious response this time
Posted By: David Levy In Response To: Interesting Time setting in Cyprus Open (Mochy)
Date: Sunday, 15 December 2013, at 6:32 p.m.
I give my flip response earlier. Here is a more serious one.
Clocks are finally (nearly) standard at tournaments and 2/12 seems to be a good compromise between allowing thoughtful play and moving along the tournament.
I would encourage limiting abuse of breaks, but not at the cost of allowing extra thinking time for non-abusers. Some of the young champions are the slowest players. They are also physiologically the least likely to need breaks. Why reward their youth with five more minutes of thinking time? It's hard enough to beat them as is.
I would much prefer having a sheet where people taking breaks can sign in and sign out. Directors could start the clock of a player disappearing for more than 5 minutes.
Further, How do the proposed time controls work when both players want to take a break? Don't start the clock at all? Then what if one player returns within five minutes and the other does not?
Paul also mentioned the problem of latecomers. Of course the TD should be able to start the clock of a player who is late for an event. That makes more sense to me than arbitrary awards of penalty points.
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