BGonline.org Forums
It's time we had our own "Grand Slam"
Posted By: stw672 In Response To: It's time we had our own "Grand Slam" (Bob Koca)
Date: Wednesday, 16 April 2014, at 6:20 p.m.
I think that the London Open is one of the hardest tournaments in the world to win. An average player has far more chance in a 4 player tournament against the 3 best players in the world than they do of winning a 256 player tournament against 255 average players. This year the London Open features, amongst others, Mochy, Michi, Akiko, Ed O, Raj, Julian and a host of other really great players.
Also the London Open is just one tournament played over the London Open weekend. We also have the Pros, Super Jackpot and 50 to 60 other side tournaments of all lengths, entry fees, and skill levels.
I'm not lobbying for the London Open to be a 'grand slam' event. I am content with running the 2nd best backgammon tournament in the world :-)
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