BGonline.org Forums
Impossible Ruling
Posted By: johnk In Response To: Impossible Ruling (Tom Keith)
Date: Sunday, 17 August 2014, at 3:05 p.m.
I would like to see a rule like this: "If a checker is accidentally removed from the board or accidentally placed on the bar, and the error is noticed before two rolls have past, then the misplaced checker should be returned to its correct position."
I'd like to see 'illegal moves' treated diffently than 'irregularities' and 3 such irregularities would be: 1) putting your own man on the bar. 2) bearing off your opponents man. 3)bearing off a checker without all your men in your home board. I'm sure there are others too but these would be a good start. With irregularities the position should be restored as equitably as possible. that may mean starting over from the irregularity or may mean moving the mismoved checker to its proper location.
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