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That's why - baffle-boxes!

Posted By: Colin Owen
Date: Sunday, 7 August 2016, at 2:59 p.m.

In Response To: That's why - baffle-boxes! (Jakob Garal)

On the first point, that's not far from my observations, though it would be more accurate for me personally to say that I see A LOT of players who SOMETIMES don't shake the dice. But there's all kinds of grey areas that many players create, like whether they shook the dice PROPERLY, and whether they shook them ENOUGH. In the general absence of rules that define such parameters, this is hardly surprising. I firmly believe the argument that making the requirements a little more specific would merely increase those grey areas to be a fallacious, even spurious one. Even if the legal grey areas weren't reduced with some specificity here (and I don't believe this to be true) it would still be raising the bar higher, and it's clear that some players need that to produce a satisfactory shake and roll.

Though, as everyone knows, I'm a massive fan of baffle boxes, I actually don't advocate mandatory use. When both players prefer not to use one, we have to respect that. Yeah, you could argue that baffle boxes speed up the game which, in the absence of cups, they certainly do. You could also say that some players are naive as to the methods of, or even the possibility of cheating, so need protection. Also, that they make the job of a TD potentially easier, as they never have to cajole players to shake their dice, assign a monitor to watch for this, or to rule on whether a shake and roll was valid. But the enjoyment factor for players is a big one, so I reckon we should let them get on with it in the way they both like.

At the other end of the scale of course, baffle boxes are simply not allowed by the organisers. I totally respect anyone's right to hold such an event, and for players to enter them. But, just because we respect a right, it does not mean we respect a choice. Even if I were a player who found that they preferred rolling from a cup straight onto the board, I personally would still never play in such an event, however addicted I might be to the game. To not give my opponent and I the CHOICE of using a baffle box is, quite simply, not treating us as adults. I would also argue that such a stance is inconsistent with allowing cups - particularly lipped ones - or to permitting the use of transparent dice: You either believe in the principle of transparency, or you don't. Further, it is naive to believe - as many do - that there aren't players who can influence a roll from a lipped cup, and remember, they may only have to do it once to gain a decisive edge.

Anyone who finds anything remotely offensive about the use of baffle boxes should throw their cups away. If you value true randomness in bg (and why shouldn't you?) you should value baffle boxes - even if, you personally, find that you prefer to shake and roll without one.

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