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That's why - baffle-boxes!

Posted By: Jakob Garal
Date: Wednesday, 10 August 2016, at 11:01 a.m.

In Response To: That's why - baffle-boxes! (Colin Owen)

There are some extra cases, which have happened in three different events:

- in Gibraltar (one of the prestigious event in BG-world): I played my match against one guy from Denmark. And we agreed to use the baffle-box. What's more: we shake the dice in cups and after that throw them in the baffle-box. Sometimes my opponent forgotten to throw dice in the baffle-box and rolled them on the board directly. After that he excused from wrong roll and repeated once more over baffle-box. After 3-4 times such his rolls happened I adviced him that from this point each his dice throw will be accepted: over baffle-box or directly on the board. He agreed. And after that came the famous situation in last critical game position: during his bearoff he rolled the dice directly on the board and... he have to leave the shot for me. He has immediately said, that he made wrong roll, because have not used the baffle-box. We called the TD, TD called the tournament committee and... the decision was for this guy - he can roll dice once more over baffle-box;

- in Istanbul (the biggest BG-event - 400 players in main): my next opponent from Turkei didn't agree to throw over baffle-box and what's more - he wanted to prohibit me to throw my dice in the baffle-box. We called TD and TD director after long discussion took the decision: my opponent rolls with the cup and I can shake the dice in the cup and throw them in the baffle-box. One member of the staff has watched the match to check all procedures were correct and fair.

- in Tbilisi (the first World Cup Team BG-event): my opponent from team of Great Britain asked me about the rule using of baffle-box. We called the TD and after his explanation my opponent decided not to use the baffle-box and what's more - he prohibited me to use it with explanation, that the baffle-box destroy his concentration and draw off his attention during the play. TD decided according to the arguments of this player and I have to roll the dice directly on the board.

All three these cases definitive show us that there are neither fair regulation nor fair rules in connection of:

1. correct dice throw (how long to shake the cup, which minimal distance might be between playing field and cup, was it free flight of dice etc.);

2. using of baffle-boxes including the rights of players for using and not using;

3. mixed situation: for playing with and without baffle-box in one match.

It is really a pity, that all such situations should decide TD or tournament committee which have no time neither to take in the account all details nor to regulate them fair and correctly.

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