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What would you rule? - Counting out loud
Posted By: Keene In Response To: What would you rule? - Counting out loud (BenF)
Date: Thursday, 25 September 2014, at 4:49 p.m.
Its really about decorum. Is it reasonable to count out loud during your own clock time? I suppose so. In a gregarious manner? I suppose so.
For my own perspective, I sometimes count out loud, but thats for my benefit to make sure that I am keeping track, and remembering numbers. Doing that on your opponents time should be kept quiet, with your hands off the board. I think that doing anything distracting on your opponents time shouldnt be allowed. Of course, there's a vagueness there over whats distracting to some, and not to others and so on. The grey area fuzzes up quite nicely.
So, as I said, its about decorum. Be reasonable, be polite, dont be a dick.
In the most obvious case that I can think of (and I dont know who this example is referring to), then its most often Ray that does a bit of talking and counting, but I dont find that offensive, difficult or distracting. In fact, I enjoy it.
The other point - that Bob mentioned - many of us use our opponents time too for thinking about upcoming cube actions, race counts, positional plays, strategy, match equity and so on. I do, and am sure my opponents do too. I will be respectful of that, and hope that they will too.
I think finally, this is a social game. People talk and chat, its a part of it. Initiate the conversations on your own clock time, be polite, show decorum. Be considerate of others. Maybe they need to count out loud, with hands everywhere, so long as its their clock, its fine by me.
Just be considerate of others. Its unreasonable to ask someone not to do something because its distracting when its on their own time.
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