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There are several very clear answers

Posted By: phil simborg
Date: Friday, 26 September 2014, at 5:14 a.m.

In Response To: What would you rule? - Counting out loud (Bob Koca)

The rules don't specifically cover this area, and many other areas, because it is not possible to cover everything and many things can and should be left up to the particular situation, the local customs, and finally, the decision of the tournament director.

However, there is a clear intent that is stated, and that is when there are questions or disagreements, it is the TD's responsibility, NOT THE PLAYERS, to decide what is ruled, and it is also stated that the TD is to determine what ruling best provides for a pleasant and fair game.

If someone wants to count out loud or talk or sing or say or doing anything while their clock is running, there is no reason for any action to be taken UNLESS the other party, in a reasonable manner, informs the other party that the behavior, or noise, is bothering him. I have been asked not to count out loud. I have been asked not to hum (I didn't even realize I was doing it). I believe those are very reasonable requests, and as a good sport, if it bothers my opponent, I should stop, and if I do not, I believe that if I were the TD I would state that since it does bother the opponent, the behavior should stop.

To say that the other player isn't allowed to think (or count) just because the other player's clock is running is contrary to the intent and logic of the game. Any good player knows he is supposed to use his opponent's time effectively.

If good sportsmanship and fair play is the overriding goal, then a player who does anything that bothers his opponent should not be allowed, so long as it is a reasonable request done politely.

Counting out loud may not only be distracting, it can be misleading if the wrong count is given (intentionally or unintentionally). Even if I am not counting while my opponent is, I am entitled to peace and quiet to think about take points and cube action and how I might play my next roll, or....just to relax if I want to without being distracted by my opponent.

Again, if the player counts out loud, or sings, hums, whistles or anything else and they other player doesn't object, no harm, no foul.

I believe the intent of the rules, and the rules of good sportsmanship make the answer to this question quite clear.

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