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Maybe it's time for a change?

Posted By: Florin Popa
Date: Saturday, 20 February 2016, at 8:24 a.m.

In Response To: Maybe it's time for a change? (Rick Janowski)

"PR is a practical measure of how strong a player is because it correlates strongly to a player's long term win rate." I have some samll doubts about this. We can see there are players scoring much better results in tournaments then their PR should say. Ok, the number of matches are small but even Mochy says this during the comment of the Gibraltar final, so this feeling I think is strongh enough in many players. The XG shows which is the best decision considering both players play PR0, being close to this situation is rarely the case. Playing the opponent (weaker or stronger) is a skill in my opinion and you cannot measure it. Doing better on average than XG is hard but how can we be sure it is not possible ? In tournaments you must play when you are tired as well, when you record your 100-300 experience maybe you are at your best. In money game many players when trailing big start behaving differently, I don't think is related less to the PR and more to the character.

PR doesn't really measure how well a player understands the game because players can have an intuitive feel for the game without understanding it." I am very surprise about what you are saying. Is hard to belive one can play constantly a low PR without understanding very well the game. In a BMAB tournament I would try to play games where the decision are simple (avoiding for example the risk of missed doubles) and to think every time about what XG decision would be.

All said, the PR in that 300 points experience cannot be the real average PR of a player. If you do your BMAB certification in normal big tournaments, I am pretty sure would be differencies, how much depends also of a style of the player. I have answered here also to Tenland's question.

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