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Maybe it's time for a change?

Posted By: Jakob Garal
Date: Friday, 19 February 2016, at 1:37 p.m.

In Response To: Maybe it's time for a change? (Phil Simborg)

Yes, Phil is absolutely right - we need changes. It can not be possible, that high level rating list (so called "Giants") will be decided according to the votes unknown "experts" around the world. A lot of them have never seen the guys, whom they voted, and have very few knowledge about their playing power or results they have achieved in the tournaments they played. Backgammon is not figure skating or rhythmic gymnastics etc., where the estimation need the people, who are really the experts in this kind of sport. We don't need any "experts" to make fair rating list of all players, playing in the tournaments around the world, including those who play at the high level. You can not find any rating list of good players around the world in connection with intellectual games (bridge, go, chess etc.), where the places were formed under the votes of some number of "experts". It is obviousely that ONLY tournament results can be taken in the account. Besides that we sure need to define follow:

1. minimum number of the players in the tournament;

2. minimum tournament fee;

3. fixed competition format;

4. fixed and fair prize fund sharing.

Should we realised p.p.1-4, then we don't need to ask the "experts" who is the best one in the BG-world. The best will be simple on the top of this rating list.

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