BGonline.org Forums
ELO Ratings for various levels
Posted By: John McDonald
Date: Friday, 8 August 2014, at 11:54 p.m.
I was wondering if some of the top ranked BG players ( or anyone for that matter who has an opinion ) could comment on where players should be ranked on their ELO. I ask this because I recently got XG and have now played 100+ matches and have probably a somewhat wild guess estimate of my ELO.
I would like to know from anyone who would like to comment on the following questions. On average a ______ Player would probably have an ELO between ____________ and __________.
Average Open Player
Top Advanced player
Top Novice Player
This is of interest to me because there are no real guidelines as to when an Advanced player ( me ) could/should move up to the open level. The ABT has no guidelines and I have noticed a few players who have moved up - only to move back down. In other words I don't want to get my ass kicked until it is absolutely necessary to get my ass kicked.
All comments welcome.
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