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Midboard: an alternate term for "opponent's outer board"

Posted By: Nack Ballard
Date: Tuesday, 29 November 2011, at 9:39 p.m.

What is another name for the far side outer edge point? Answer: Midpoint.

Wouldn't it be nice if we had a similarly short term for the "opponent's outer board"? I know it would save me a lot of typing.

I propose the term midboard (or I suppose it could be two words: mid board), and synonyms for it would be midtable and midquadrant.

The primary reason for calling the opponent's outer board the midboard, or midtable, or midquadrant, is that it is the quadrant containing the midpoint.

The secondary reason for calling the opponent's outer board the midboard, midtable or midquadrant is that it is the quadrant situated midway between the point at which the checkers are entered and the point at which the checkers come home and can first bear off (the 6pt).

Can anyone suggest a better term than "midboard" (or midtable or midquadrant) that is shorter than "opponent's outer board" (or the somewhat contrived "Opp outer board")? Otherwise, I'll start referring to the midboard in my writings (with a reminder of what it means for a while), unless there is serious objection.


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