Here are some positions from my "5pt vs 3pt" folder that you may find instructive.
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 155 | Unlimited Game | pip: 165 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=-b----E-C-A-cD---cbe----AA:0:0:1:33:0:0:0:0:10 |
Blue to play 33 |
1. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 13/10 6/3(2) | eq: +0.064 |
| Player: Opponent: | 51.43% (G:15.84% B:0.80%) 48.57% (G:14.60% B:0.54%) | Conf.: ± 0.013 (+0.051...+0.078) - [100.0%] Duration: 31 minutes 20 seconds |
2. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 13/7 10/7 | eq: -0.035 (-0.099) |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.38% (G:13.83% B:0.61%) 50.62% (G:15.03% B:0.58%) | Conf.: ± 0.019 (-0.054...-0.016) - [0.0%] Duration: 31 minutes 28 seconds |
3. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 13/10 8/5(2) | eq: -0.045 (-0.109) |
| Player: Opponent: | 48.93% (G:15.73% B:0.79%) 51.07% (G:16.40% B:0.80%) | Conf.: ± 0.016 (-0.061...-0.029) - [0.0%] Duration: 30 minutes 38 seconds |
1 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.208.pre-release
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 162 | Unlimited Game | pip: 164 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=-a----EbC---cE--ac-e-A--A-:0:0:1:33:0:0:0:0:10 |
Blue to play 33 |
1. | Rollout1 | 24/21 13/10 6/3(2) | eq: +0.086 |
| Player: Opponent: | 51.78% (G:12.54% B:0.47%) 48.22% (G:9.46% B:0.32%) | Conf.: ± 0.007 (+0.079...+0.093) - [65.5%] Duration: 2 hours 05 minutes |
2. | Rollout1 | 24/21 13/10(3) | eq: +0.084 (-0.002) |
| Player: Opponent: | 51.84% (G:12.02% B:0.40%) 48.16% (G:9.32% B:0.30%) | Conf.: ± 0.007 (+0.077...+0.091) - [34.5%] Duration: 2 hours 03 minutes |
3. | Rollout2 | 24/21 8/5(3) | eq: +0.048 (-0.038) |
| Player: Opponent: | 50.82% (G:13.57% B:0.40%) 49.18% (G:10.60% B:0.37%) | Conf.: ± 0.012 (+0.036...+0.060) - [0.0%] Duration: 38 minutes 36 seconds |
1 5184 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
2 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.208.pre-release
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 139 | Unlimited Game | pip: 169 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=--a---EaD--BAaa--cce----BA:0:0:1:33:0:0:0:0:10 |
Blue to play 33 |
1. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 8/5 6/3(2) | eq: -0.420 |
| Player: Opponent: | 40.75% (G:12.03% B:0.66%) 59.25% (G:21.48% B:2.37%) | Conf.: ± 0.008 (-0.428...-0.412) - [100.0%] Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes |
2. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 24/21 6/3(2) | eq: -0.445 (-0.025) |
| Player: Opponent: | 39.63% (G:11.11% B:0.72%) 60.37% (G:22.08% B:1.98%) | Conf.: ± 0.008 (-0.453...-0.438) - [0.0%] Duration: 1 hour 34 minutes |
3. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 24/21(2) 8/5 | eq: -0.447 (-0.027) |
| Player: Opponent: | 39.76% (G:8.77% B:0.36%) 60.24% (G:18.11% B:0.76%) | Conf.: ± 0.007 (-0.455...-0.440) - [0.0%] Duration: 1 hour 49 minutes |
4. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 24/21(2) 6/3 | eq: -0.457 (-0.037) |
| Player: Opponent: | 40.09% (G:9.18% B:0.42%) 59.91% (G:20.28% B:0.81%) | Conf.: ± 0.008 (-0.465...-0.449) - [0.0%] Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes |
5. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 24/21 8/5(2) | eq: -0.458 (-0.038) |
| Player: Opponent: | 38.82% (G:10.62% B:0.61%) 61.18% (G:20.04% B:1.73%) | Conf.: ± 0.007 (-0.465...-0.451) - [0.0%] Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes |
6. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 24/21(2) 12/9 | eq: -0.467 (-0.047) |
| Player: Opponent: | 38.24% (G:8.27% B:0.38%) 61.76% (G:15.20% B:0.63%) | Conf.: ± 0.007 (-0.474...-0.459) - [0.0%] Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes |
1 5184 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.208.pre-release
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 154 | Unlimited Game | pip: 162 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=-a----E-CAa-eD---b-db--AA-:0:0:1:33:0:0:0:0:10 |
Blue to play 33 |
1. | XG Roller++ | 13/10*(2) 6/3(2) | eq: +0.174 |
| Player: Opponent: | 53.11% (G:18.83% B:0.98%) 46.89% (G:13.19% B:0.64%) | |
2. | XG Roller++ | 24/21 13/10* 6/3(2) | eq: +0.055 (-0.119) |
| Player: Opponent: | 50.30% (G:16.80% B:0.80%) 49.70% (G:13.74% B:0.75%) | |
3. | XG Roller++ | 13/10* 9/3 6/3 | eq: +0.023 (-0.151) |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.74% (G:16.06% B:0.72%) 50.26% (G:13.83% B:0.64%) | |
4. | XG Roller++ | 13/10*(2) 8/5(2) | eq: -0.033 (-0.207) |
| Player: Opponent: | 48.54% (G:16.78% B:0.79%) 51.46% (G:15.70% B:0.96%) | |
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.208.pre-release
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 137 | Unlimited Game | pip: 146 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=----B-D-B-aBdD---e-e----A-:0:0:1:33:0:0:0:0:10 |
Blue to play 33 |
1. | Rollout1 | 13/10*(2) 6/3(2) | eq: +0.988 |
| Player: Opponent: | 72.17% (G:29.94% B:0.58%) 27.83% (G:5.15% B:0.20%) | Conf.: ± 0.006 (+0.982...+0.994) - [100.0%] Duration: 6 minutes 51 seconds |
2. | Rollout1 | 13/10*(2) 8/5(2) | eq: +0.971 (-0.017) |
| Player: Opponent: | 70.75% (G:29.27% B:0.51%) 29.25% (G:5.08% B:0.20%) | Conf.: ± 0.007 (+0.964...+0.978) - [0.0%] Duration: 6 minutes 13 seconds |
1 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.208.pre-release
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 143 | Unlimited Game | pip: 134 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=-a----E-D-B-dD--ac-db-----:0:0:1:53:0:0:0:0:10 |
Blue to play 53 |
1. | Rollout1 | 8/3 6/3 | eq: +0.724 |
| Player: Opponent: | 69.61% (G:8.04% B:0.13%) 30.39% (G:3.52% B:0.10%) | Conf.: ± 0.011 (+0.713...+0.735) - [100.0%] Duration: 22 minutes 01 second |
2. | Rollout1 | 10/5 8/5 | eq: +0.678 (-0.046) |
| Player: Opponent: | 67.91% (G:8.74% B:0.12%) 32.09% (G:3.57% B:0.08%) | Conf.: ± 0.010 (+0.668...+0.688) - [0.0%] Duration: 19 minutes 23 seconds |
1 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.208.pre-release
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 172 | Unlimited Game | pip: 174 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=-b----E-Ca--eD---c-cA--AaA:0:0:1:33:0:0:0:0:10 |
Blue to play 33 |
1. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 23/20 8/5(2) | eq: +0.486 |
| Player: Opponent: | 60.12% (G:20.83% B:1.05%) 39.88% (G:8.13% B:0.26%) | Conf.: ± 0.008 (+0.478...+0.494) - [100.0%] Duration: 1 hour 59 minutes |
2. | Rollout1 | Bar/22 23/20 6/3(2) | eq: +0.465 (-0.021) |
| Player: Opponent: | 60.07% (G:19.13% B:0.97%) 39.93% (G:8.09% B:0.26%) | Conf.: ± 0.008 (+0.457...+0.472) - [0.0%] Duration: 2 hours 02 minutes |
3. | Rollout2 | Bar/22 23/20 13/10(2) | eq: +0.390 (-0.096) |
| Player: Opponent: | 58.69% (G:17.79% B:0.86%) 41.31% (G:8.39% B:0.28%) | Conf.: ± 0.015 (+0.374...+0.405) - [0.0%] Duration: 31 minutes 01 second |
1 5184 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
2 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.208.pre-release
| | White is Player 2
score: 0 pip: 140 | Unlimited Game | pip: 176 score: 0
Blue is Player 1 | |
XGID=------DBC-a-eB---bbeB---B-:0:0:1:33:0:0:0:0:10 |
Blue to play 33 |
1. | Rollout1 | 13/10*(2) 6/3(2) | eq: +0.008 |
| Player: Opponent: | 49.11% (G:15.43% B:0.44%) 50.89% (G:11.00% B:0.60%) | Conf.: ± 0.016 (-0.008...+0.024) - [100.0%] Duration: 27 minutes 14 seconds |
2. | Rollout1 | 13/10*(2) 8/5(2) | eq: -0.055 (-0.063) |
| Player: Opponent: | 47.88% (G:15.69% B:0.43%) 52.12% (G:11.50% B:0.67%) | Conf.: ± 0.016 (-0.071...-0.038) - [0.0%] Duration: 26 minutes 53 seconds |
3. | Rollout1 | 24/21(2) 13/10*(2) | eq: -0.062 (-0.070) |
| Player: Opponent: | 47.59% (G:11.42% B:0.29%) 52.41% (G:9.06% B:0.29%) | Conf.: ± 0.014 (-0.076...-0.048) - [0.0%] Duration: 30 minutes 20 seconds |
1 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction. Dice Seed: 271828 Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.208.pre-release