BGonline.org Forums
Error Rates and Edges
Posted By: eXtreme Gammon In Response To: Error Rates and Edges (Matt Cohn-Geier)
Date: Tuesday, 25 May 2010, at 6:49 p.m.
MCG: I would also note that Elo was a system developed for chess and isn't necessarily an accurate predictor of backgammon matches where differing styles of checker and cube play can drastically alter the odds.
MCG: Elo isn't perfectly accurate for chess but it's close enough to perfect accuracy.
I don't see how you reconcile both ideas.
Chess player style surely has an influence on the results: ask Nigel Short if his overall result against Judith Polgar reflect their Elo difference! Or Alexis Shirov results against Gari Kasparov.
I know part of these results is psychological, but not all: for instance Shirov being a very tactical player can overcome his strategical "weakness" against most top player, but when he faced Kasparov, who is at least as strong tacticaly, these weaknesses showed.
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