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10-10/11, they started with 11 and 21 seconds clocktime, and played 30 minutes

Posted By: Timothy Chow
Date: Monday, 9 February 2015, at 11:01 p.m.

In Response To: 10-10/11, they started with 11 and 21 seconds clocktime, and played 30 minutes (Sean Garber)

Sean wrote:

I have no idea why the difference in two players PR would be meaningless. Also, if one makes an error at DMP, isn't that going to have a significantly greater cost when measured by MWC than the same error at a 0-0 match score in almost all cases?

The answer to your question here is yes, and that is precisely why subtracting PR is meaningless. What you want to subtract is the equity, and equity is what MWC measures. PR does some weird score-based rescaling, so it doesn't measure equity.

Even for a single game, subtracting PR leads to weirdness because one player could have a lot more decisions than the other player.

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