BGonline.org Forums
A solution to one tournament problem
Posted By: Phil Simborg
Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2009, at 7:02 a.m.
It is not that unusual that players in a tournament play to the wrong score. I hate the current rule as written, because if two players sit down to play to 9 and it is determined that they were supposed to play to 7, after the match, the player who reached 7 first is given the match. Or if the error is discovered in the middle of the match, the players are required to stop at the correct score.
Yes, they should have checked, and they are both at fault, but every cube action and checker play was made with a different match equity and take points etc., and I happen to believe it would be fairer to finish the match on the basis they started.
The problem with that is it leads to the potential for two players to agree to break the rules of the tournament, and that's also unfair to the other players for a variety of reasons.
I have two suggestions:
1) if it is determined that two players were playing to the wrong number of points, they finish the match on that basis, but the winner of the match is penalized 1 point in his next match (and the loser is also if he is still in the tournament be it consolation or last chance)....I believe this error is not likely to occur in the finals, but if it does, no one else is affected by the error.
2) if a player does it more than once in a tournament, he is disqualified from the tournament.
While this sound like pretty severe punishment, the point is that because it is so severe, it infractions are less likely to happen.
It's like speeding tickets...I stopped speeding not because of the fines, but because I could lose my license and because my insurance could go up so much.
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