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A solution to one tournament problem

Posted By: Rich Munitz
Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2009, at 9:08 p.m.

In Response To: A solution to one tournament problem (Phil Simborg)

In general, I like this idea. However it should only apply to the case where both players are playing to the same wrong match length and that all of the scoresheets indicate this.

I believe that forfeit may be too severe and that perhaps the second infraction should result in a 1/2 match-length (rounded down) penalty.

Let's be realistic. This will only apply to cases where someone other than the players themselves realize the mistake. All this change does is remove the current incentive for the loser to point out the error if he notices it. The imposition of a penalty for this will be extremely rare.

And what if the two players having lost their 15 point match sit down for a 9 point consolation match and space out and start playing to 15? At what point does the extra length become unacceptable? Perhaps the penalty should be 1/2 the number of extra points played?

As a side note: I just played in a tournament this weekend. The entire event was 9 points with a 11 point final. I reached the final. Both me and my opponent wrote down 11 points on our scoresheet. We set the flip scoreboard to 11 points. Both of us then spaced out identically and were mentally playing the match to 9 (it was very late). The error was pointed out by the spectators when one of us got to 8 points and we both made clear statements to convey that we thought it was Crawford. So what match length should we have played to? (We played to 11 as per current rules).

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