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A solution to one tournament problem

Posted By: Rich Munitz
Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2009, at 10:16 p.m.

In Response To: A solution to one tournament problem (Steve Mellen)

"The reality is that this situation occurs far too infrequently for there to be any deterrent effect, but it still seems clear that there has to be some kind of penalty."

I agree, and generally support Phil's proposal. That is why somewhere down in my rambling post I came up with the idea that the better penalty is 1/2 the number of extra points played. Let the punishment fit the crime - the longer you risk delay to the tournament, the more you pay. And for matches played too short - I see no need for a penalty at all. No harm to the tournament when that happens - only the players themselves are potentially hurt by such an error.

As for when it becomes too late to correct an error in match length? How about any time between games if both players still need at least 5 points to reach the posted match length and neither player is within 3 points of the incorrect match length, the match length is corrected.

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