BGonline.org Forums
Flat rolls?
Posted By: Henrik Bukkjaer In Response To: Tournament Rules and Guidelines (neilkaz)
Date: Wednesday, 28 November 2012, at 1:22 a.m.
>> 2. Flat rolls. We recommend that dice that land flat on top of checkers, provided they are flat and still on the right side of the board, not be considered cocked. This saves time, makes sense, and there is no good reason to have to re-roll the dice except that we are simply "used to it." We can quickly get used to this change.
>> I truly hope that this becomes standard quickly.
>> Thx for this .. neilkaz ..
Phil, I think you're setting Neil's hopes too high here!!!
But then again, it might just be me who doesn't understand your proposed document correct (not being an native English speaker).
Below I've pasted in the (very elaborate) proposed rules on dice rolls.
To me they clearly state that "For a roll to be valid, both dice must come to rest flat on the playing surface in the half of the board located on the right hand side of the bar from the viewpoint of the player who rolled."
Then you have appended an alternative rule that allows "on checker" rolls. But for that to take effect, the TD must clearly announce that this rule is in use, and it must be used by all players at the tournament.
The flat roll rule is the default rule in your document, and nowhere do you recommend the alternative rule be used.
In fact, if the default flat roll rule is in effect at a given tournament, two players are not even allowed to agree to use the "on checker" rule in their match, as I understand.
Here are the rule in it's entirety:
Dice handling must be consistent with the generation of random rolls. When cups are in use, both the shake and the toss are important, required randomizing components. Dice should be shaken vigorously at least 3 times, up and down, before rolling. The dice should be released well above the surface of the board (at least 4 inches) to allow the dice to clearly fall and then bounce or roll before settling. The dice cup should not hit the surface of the table during the toss, and fingers should not be in contact with the dice or near the opening of the cup after the dice leave the cup. If a player does not believe his opponent is following this protocol, he should nicely remind his opponent of this rule. If the player does not improve his rolling, the TD should be called. The TD may caution the player, he may require a baffle box or dice tube be used, or he may appoint a monitor and penalize further infractions. The appropriate penalty for continued infractions is to allow the opponent the choice of whether to allow the roll to stand or make the player roll over. Continued infractions may result in penalty points. The TD may go so far as to designate a roller for one or both players.
Both dice must leave the cup at approximately the same time. If one die hits the table before the second die has left the cup, the roll is invalid. For a roll to be valid, both dice must come to rest flat on the playing surface in the half of the board located on the right hand side of the bar from the viewpoint of the player who rolled. Otherwise both dice must be rerolled. If a player believes his dice are cocked, he must state so and wait for acknowledgement from his opponent before picking up his dice. If a player fails to get acknowledgement, and the other player believes the dice were not cocked, the ruling should go against the player who picked up his dice without acknowledgement. Players may NOT agree to allow their opponent to roll on the wrong side or to change the rolling rules in any way. For a die to be considered cocked, it must remain motionless in a cocked position for at least 1 second and then declared cocked by either player and subsequently acknowledged by the other player. If either die was cocked for over 1 second and then fell, even if neither party declared it cocked before it fell, it shall be considered cocked. If the players disagree on whether it was a full second, but both agree that it was close to a second, and neither party had called “cocked” before it fell, it shall be considered a valid roll.
ALTERNATE RULE: Called the “On Checker” Rule. A TD may determine to allow dice that land on top of a checker to count as a valid roll, so long as the checker is on the right side of the board and so long as there is no doubt as to what the die says (in otherwords, the dice might be on a slight slant but if it clearly is a 3, or whatever the dice says, the roll counts). It is the responsibility of the TD to determine if the On Checker Rule is in effect, and if so, it should be clearly announced and all players must abide by that rule of play. If a player has a particular kind of checkers that does generally not allow for dice to land flat, the rule might be suspended for matches on that board, but only with the advance approval of the TD.
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