BGonline.org Forums
"Dead" cube illegal?
Posted By: Michael Petch In Response To: "Dead" cube illegal? (neilkaz)
Date: Monday, 4 November 2013, at 9:10 p.m.
In the earlier thread,I suggested that had I been TD with these rules as is, and knowing the technicality exists I would have used 1.1 of the USBG(ABT) rules to make a decision towards fairness. However, just like Herb, the player who wins like this has a completely valid case since both plays are legal under the letter of the law. I'd love to see how a committee would rule on this if the TD used rule 1.1 to deal with a technicality. Second question is take the same committee and ask them to rule on the situation with Herb. If the results differ, I'd like to know how you can rule away one technicality but not the other.
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