BGonline.org Forums
"Dead" cube illegal?
Posted By: Michael Petch In Response To: "Dead" cube illegal? (Art Grater)
Date: Monday, 4 November 2013, at 11:37 p.m.
I know I am not alone in this belief, I have had this discussion with many players (including ones that frequent ABT events).
Many of them believe as I do that when a player who has enough points to win cubes, that being on the receiving end puts one in an potentially awkward position. Is it fair that I (being the receiver of a cube) am having to potentially choose between obvious naivety or stupidity or my opponent being tired. TO ME (this is my opinion), it really is about being a good sport. I would let my opponent know that they already have enough points to win, and that I figure they didn't mean to cube me. I would then allow my opponent to take back the cube and continue. If I took the cube, I would personally feel like I was taking advantage of a situation, and one that I don't think I should be put in.
At least if there was a dead cube rule that disallowed it then I no longer have to see this as an ethical question when I am receiving such a cube. I do not consider it a gift.
Until SHG fixed their cubing rules I encountered this situation about once every 2 months in online play where such cubes were previously allowed. In all the cases my opponents told me they had never thought about it, and didn't realize they didn't need to cube. If anything, by being a good sport I ended up teaching some of these players that they necessarily didn't think of before. I would say this type of thing is probably more likely to occur in the novice level.
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