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Laboratory Certification of RNG RandomnessBackgammon Dice are NEVER precision dice
Posted By: Phil Simborg In Response To: Laboratory Certification of RNG RandomnessBackgammon Dice are NEVER precision dice (Art Grater)
Date: Thursday, 25 August 2016, at 6:40 p.m.
Do your own experiments. Our goal was not to discredit the use of rounded dice, only to say that they are not completely random and they aren't truly precision dice, and even the gaming industry and manufacturers don't make that claim.
Our goal was, and is, simply to say that electronic dice should not be ruled out because of the argument that you are more assured of having fairness with the real dice...that's not a valid argument against electronic dice, unless it can be proven that the electronic dice are in fact not fair.
With electronic dice, and on the P40 app there is a record of the rolls and you can put them into a computer and check for randomness and fairness.
With actual dice, if you had the precise tools to measure, you would find they are not within the tolerances of the gaming industry for precision dice, and if you do enough trails, you will find that individual die, because of their imperfections, roll some numbers more than others.
I do not believe we should stop playing backgammon with the rounded dice we are now using; I do not believe the squared dice would be better for backgammon; and I do not advocate making any electronic device mandatory.
I do believe the dice app, once it is perfected and has a verbal feature, will be a great improvement for many who need it and like it and it may attract more attention to the game, bring more people to the game, and certainly will help people with disabilities. And once it is perfected Yan Kit and I, and anyone else who would like to help, are going to make a concerted effort to encourage more blind people to play backgammon.
As for people like Albert who question my motives, I will put that to rest right now. I believe if we have more blind people playing I will have more people to play that I can cheat and I can make a lot more money that way.
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